About JSoul
Who is JSoul?
JSoul is located in New York City, owned 100% by well known members of the Jewish Community, for the Jewish Community. It is a fully curated site - every member must pass verification sp we can limit the possibility of scammers and fraudsters.
More information will be provided here online as we are in "beta" launch. If you want more direct information, please write to us using our contact form or by sending an email to info at our domain name - jsoul.com.
Why was JSoul created?
JSoul was founded many years ago as a way for the Jewish community to meet and communicate with each other with the confidence of being run by members of our community. Most of the largest sites have been sold, such as JDate, to third parties that have different interests in mind. Other sites are catered towards a more specific demographic (such as the Orthodox and more 'frum' communities), which is good. However, it leaves a very large group of Jews not having a more diverse set of members from which to choose while allowing those who prefer a smaller set of specific choices to operate within their demographics.
Contact Us for More Information
In light of the challenges going on in Israel and to ensure safety of all involved in our project, please feel free to contact us for more specific information. We are happy to communicate with you and help spread the mission of providing an outlet for our community, by our community, to meet each other.
- Mar 24, 2024
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